Sunday, September 18, 2011

Long Time No Blog!

Since school started, I haven't had much extra time to blog. My extra time has been spent lesson planning, organizing forms, packing lunches, cooking and running around like a chicken with my head cut off!

A blog is long overdue, and I'm not sure where to begin. Right now, Greg is out of town, and Izzy and I are on our own for a few days. We started off this morning with banana pancakes... Izzy calls them banana cookies. They are so easy and delicious. I mashed up two bananas and mixed in one egg and two tablespoons of almond butter. I cooked them in a skillet for a few minutes on each side. Yum! They remind me of banana nut bread. We have really been trying to lay off of bananas, so this was a special treat! Of course, we had some bacon with our pancakes! :)

We've done a pretty good job staying on our diet since school started. Each Sunday I chop up fruit and vegetables, so it's easy to throw things into our lunches each night. I've been making breakfast for Izzy and me every morning, and I have to say that I don't mind doing that at all. I actually look forward to a nice big breakfast in the mornings. My new favorite thing to eat in the AM is eggs scrambled up with red pepper and onions. Delish! We also make smoothies in the morning for a quick breakfast. The nutritionist wants us to add some leafy greens to our smoothies. We'll try that this week.

We also tried butternut squash for the first time last week. It was good! It has a different texture that was unexpected, but it was good! I'm excited to make a new recipe with it this week.

I started making my own salad dressings, too. I love to use lemon juice and evoo, but I was getting tired of that. I made a strawberry vinaigrette and a balsamic vinaigrette. Both were amazing.... I think the balsamic vinaigrette was my fav.

1 tbsp. chopped garlic
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. pepper
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
3/4 cup evoo

Whisk first four ingredients together. Then slowly whisk in evoo. Keep refrigerated.

I hope to get back in the routine of blogging. My goal is to blog at least once a week. I guess we'll see if that happens... yeah, whatever!

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