Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Best Books of 2025

 As I reflected on the books I read in 2025, I first picked the best books of each month. Here they are:

As I chose a book for each month, I noticed that it was difficult to pick a favorite for each month. Some months there were multiple books that I really loved; other months, I read books that were just ok. Because of this, I wanted to add in some honorable mentions:

Prior to ending the year with Just for the Summer by Abby Jimenez, I read the first two books in her Part of Your World series: Yours Truly (book #2) and Part of Your World (book #1). Yours Truly was my December pick before reading Just for the Summer. Abby's writing style had me flipping through a 400 page book in just days! If you like rom-coms, give her books a try. Her The Friend Zone series has been added to my TBR.

There were a few books that I reread this year: Yellowface, Daring Greatly, Now We're Talking, and Atomic Habits. Any book worth rereading deserves a mention! I started the year with Yellowface and absolutely loved it. When a few friends of mine wanted to read it, I listened to it on audio. This is a must read. The other three books I reread are nonfiction books, and books I will revisit again. 


Iron Flame was a close second place to my March pick - The Women. I've always loved a great fantasy series, but The Empyrean series is superior! Onyx Storm will be released on January 21st and immediately delivered to my Kindle.

And now to reflect on my reading goals for 2024:
  • Read 70 books
  • Continue to give away or trade physical copies of books I read
  • Write more!

Here's what I accomplished:
  • I read 74 books.
  • Izzy and I visited Katy Budget Books to turn in many of our used books for book credit. I also donated some of my books to a book sharing shelf at my school to share with others. 
  • I didn't write like I had planned. In addition to my end of the year book blog post, I wrote one additional book blog. At the end of each month, I created an infographic and wrote short reviews for each book that I read and posted on Instagram. I spent some time writing over the summer, too. 

Here are my goals for 2025:
  • Read 75 books.
  • Work on my TBR: physical copies, copies of books in my Kindle, and books that come through on the Libby app.
  • Write more. While I struggle with this goal, I am going to make writing a priority in the new year. Just like I make reading a priority, I will make time for writing. Specifically, I will dedicate one hour each week to writing, whether it be a blog post, Instagram post, or jotting a story idea. 

And now to jump into the first books of 2025... I'll be finishing The Let Them Theory on audiobook followed by The Boyfriend. Until I head back to school on January 6th, you can find me on the couch with a cup of tea and a book or two... yeah, whatever!

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Best Books of 2025

 As I reflected on the books I read in 2025, I first picked the best books of each month. Here they are: As I chose a book for each month, I...