As I reflected on the books I read in 2025, I first picked the best books of each month. Here they are:
As I chose a book for each month, I noticed that it was difficult to pick a favorite for each month. Some months there were multiple books that I really loved; other months, I read books that were just ok. Because of this, I wanted to add in some honorable mentions:
There were a few books that I reread this year: Yellowface, Daring Greatly, Now We're Talking, and Atomic Habits. Any book worth rereading deserves a mention! I started the year with Yellowface and absolutely loved it. When a few friends of mine wanted to read it, I listened to it on audio. This is a must read. The other three books I reread are nonfiction books, and books I will revisit again.
- Read 70 books
- Continue to give away or trade physical copies of books I read
- Write more!
Here's what I accomplished:
- I read 74 books.
- Izzy and I visited Katy Budget Books to turn in many of our used books for book credit. I also donated some of my books to a book sharing shelf at my school to share with others.
- I didn't write like I had planned. In addition to my end of the year book blog post, I wrote one additional book blog. At the end of each month, I created an infographic and wrote short reviews for each book that I read and posted on Instagram. I spent some time writing over the summer, too.
Here are my goals for 2025:
- Read 75 books.
- Work on my TBR: physical copies, copies of books in my Kindle, and books that come through on the Libby app.
- Write more. While I struggle with this goal, I am going to make writing a priority in the new year. Just like I make reading a priority, I will make time for writing. Specifically, I will dedicate one hour each week to writing, whether it be a blog post, Instagram post, or jotting a story idea.
And now to jump into the first books of 2025... I'll be finishing The Let Them Theory on audiobook followed by The Boyfriend. Until I head back to school on January 6th, you can find me on the couch with a cup of tea and a book or two... yeah, whatever!