Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Antique Accident: Beware of the Elderly!

Only a few people know my biggest fears: frogs and old people. While I think frogs are scarier, I had a recent run-in (literally) with an old woman, that really rocked my world.

I was driving down the Grand Parkway feeder road, and I stopped at Fry Road to turn right. As I was looking to the left so I could safely turn right-on-red, I felt a bump at the back of my car. Luckily, my mother-in-law was with me and she noticed it, too. I looked in my rearview mirror to see who the culprit was, and I couldn't see a thing because her car was so close to mine! Finally, with my back arched and my neck elongated, I got a glimpse of the person who hit me, or should I say I got a glimpse of the blue-gray perfectly set hair of the elderly woman that hit me!

Since there was no way for me to get out of my car in that instant, I pulled into the first available parking lot. The old lady drove right past me! I shouted kid appropriate obscenities (Thanks, Mara!) as I got out of my car to assess the damage.

Nothing. Not a scratch or dent.

My mother-in-law and I continued on our afternoon, conversing about how old people shouldn't be driving. Seriously! If she didn't think she hit me, then she shouldn't be driving! If she knew that she hit me, but forgot by the time she turned right, she shouldn't be driving!

About four miles into our drive, we heard the most awful clanking noise. I pulled over to see what it was, and that's when I realized that I had taken it up the tailpipe. My double exhaust pipes on the left side of my car were nearly dragging the ground. I was freaking out. This is my new car that I just got in November! I just knew that it was doomed for the junk yard.

I drove home at five miles per hour, hoping that we would make it there with out the muffler falling off altogether. In the next ten minutes I called Greg, the dealership and every muffler shop in a 15 mile radius.

Greg just knew that he could fix it himself, but I made a back up appointment with a local muffler shop just in case. This ended up being a great opportunity for Greg to use his non-existent yet coveted automotive skills. He snapped the tailpipes back in place within five mintues of being home from work! Hallelujah!

Remeber this... you have to watch out for those old people... it might just be you that gets it up the tailpipe next time! Yeah, whatever!


Debbie said...

Old people!! But its just not them whoo drive bad! While driving on the high wat today, I was in the far left lane and this young guy talking on his cell phone got on the high way and shot across ALL THREE lanes and into mine almost hitting me! Thank GOD i hadnt made it to the concrete wall prt and there was enough room for me to get over in to the shoulder! I honked my horn and all he did was look around like 'whos honking' so I followed him with my horn going till I exited the high way! I thought I was going to get into another wreck on the same side after having my truck back for less than a week, not to mention Kaylean was on that side! People are jerk and should really go to driving school!

Lora said...

People in Texas, in general, are awful drivers... young and old! Drives me nuts!!! Glad y'all were ok!

Steve said...

hhmmmm, just how old is old?

the general rule when driving seems to be:

whatever speed you happen to be driving, if someone is driving faster than you they are a jerk, and if they are driving slower than you they are a moron.

Lora said...

If they are driving slower than me or if they hit me... they are too old!!!

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