The votes are in... Greg looks the most like Jason Segal! And here are a few notable write-ins:
Tulsa Drillers Baseball Player
This is oh so true, Sarah Nurse! Greg does look like a Driller! Well, he did convince me of that on a dark night in May 2005! I think that we may just have to name our next dog, Driller... what do you think???

I would have never thought of this one, Chelsea! But now that I'm reminiscing about Scream... I can so see it! Not just his looks but also his personality. Greg, of course, said no way. Then he proceeded to tell me who he does look like... which leaves me asking the question, why does Greg have so many look-alikes? In my lifetime, I've been told that I look like two people that I don't really look like at all: Fiona Apple and Jennifer Love-Hewitt. But Greg has countless celebrity twins... I don't get it!

John C. Reilly
This is a Greg Hodges self-proclaimed duplicate. I don't really see the resemblance, but as far as Reilly's comedy goes... Greg's right on. Maybe as Greg continues to age he'll look more like Mr. Reilly. He does have the beginnings of a receding hairline... and if he grew out his curls... maybe, just maybe, they'd look alike.
However, I think he looks more like JCR's 'step-brother'...

Will Ferrell
Greg looks AND acts like this funny guy. As long as I've known Greg, I've tried and tried to get him to dress like Buddy the Elf for Halloween. Just imagine that! He's so Will Ferrell! Maybe he'll dress like Buddy the Elf for Izzy for Christmas or something! That would be great!
I also got an anonymous comment that says that Greg for sure looks like McSteamy. Says he's never met Greg, but definitely McSteamy... hmmm... I wonder who that was... GREG!
Honestly, I could go on and on with Greg's look-alikes, but I wanted to have a little more fun with another contest for Miss Izzy!
Izzy isn't too similar to any of these famous faces, but still look and vote for the one you like best!
Here's Miss Izzy:

And here are the look-alikes:

Judy Jetson
We're starting off with Judy Jetson. For the longest time, Izzy's little nickname has been Judy Jetson. Why? I really don't know. It's just a little nickname I have for her. I call her Judy just about as much as I call her Izzy! Kinda weird, I know, but I just have this weird nickname thing that I do... but now that I look at Miss Jetson... I see a resemblance!
But I think Izzy looks a bit more like the next two!
This is Gilly. It's really Kristin Wiig from Saturday Night Live playing Gilly in this skit. This ornery character reminds me a lot of Izzy's personality... and her curly hair! And maybe the fact that Gilly is always getting into trouble... Gilly, was it you??? Sorry!
(If you haven't seen this skit, check it out here... so funny!)

Chris Farley
And last, but not least, the late great Chris Farley! It was Greg that first mentioned Izzy's likeness to this funny man. Then I started to notice that when Izzy makes certain faces she does look like Chris Farley!
So what do you think? Who's Izzy's celebrity counterpart? Since Izzy looks so much like Greg, does she look like one of his famous look-alike faces? I would hate to say that my daughter looks like Screech or Will Ferrell, but McSteamy... maybe. Yeah, whatever!
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