Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I am not a good gift giver; neither is Greg. Not that we don't buy great gifts for each other, we do. But we aren't very good at the action of giving. We either tell each other what we bought or give the gift way early. We always open our birthday presents and Christmas presents as soon as we get them wrapped... we just can't handle keeping the secret.

I'll never forget before we got engaged... I didn't know it at the time, but Greg wanted to tell me so bad that he was going to propose, so he just kept telling me that he had a gift for me. I was so excited about getting something, so of course, I tried to talk him into telling me what it was. Finally, he told me that he got me something leather. Something leather?! I thought that was strange. What could he have gotten me... a wallet, a purse, a belt?! No, it was an engagement ring.

Even though we always spoil the anticipation and surprise, we tend to buy each other really great gifts. Always something thoughtful, useful or just something we knew the other really wanted. This year we shopped together, so we knew everything we were getting for Christmas. But Greg decided he wanted to get me a "surprise" gift since we never have surprises. So he decides to buy me a bonzai tree. Yes, that's right, a bonzai tree. And he was so proud of himself as he walked in the house carrying this tiny tree.

Picture that. Greg... over six feet tall. Bonzai tree... less than 6 inches tall.

After I stopped laughing, I took the tree from Greg, told him that I loved it, and put it on a bookshelf, where it just looked weird. Where do you put a bonzai tree?! What do you do with it? This little tree kinda freaked me out, actually. We had to take the tree with us to Granbury for Christmas, because it would die if we left it at home. So I rode in the car for five hours with a miniature tree between my feet. I think that's when Greg started to realize I wasn't so thrilled about the tree... then he told me that he bought the tree at the mall at a little kiosk and that the lady that sold it to him had to plug in her credit card machine so Greg could pay for the bonzai! Wow. Hmmm... maybe this could have been a clue that the bonzai wouldn't be the best surprise gift. (By the way, the kiosk isn't there anymore; they went out of business!)

So, for the past month I've watered my bonzai tree. Moved it from place to place in the house trying to find the right spot for it. I've even named it Kai-ii (that's k-I-ee) for our favorite sushi chef from Baltimore. Everytime we'd go eat sushi at that place, Kai-ii would talk to Greg, and Greg couldn't understand him so Greg would just shout, "Bonzai!"

Greg took me there the night that he gave me a ring instead of something leather. He told Kai-ii that I was his fiance. He said, "Fiance. Pretty name!" Kai-ii thought my name was fiance... yeah, whatever.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Lora, this is probably the most hillarious and sweet story I have read in a long time! I didn't know it was actually possible to invoke such a response in one blog, but you have indeed done so! What a great guy Greg is and he certainly provides so much entertainment!

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